Spots in the Mind?

Posted on the 01 February 2021 by C. Suresh

Azhukkaru Avaa Vekuli Innachchol Izhukkaa Iyandrathu Aram - Thirukkural

Virtue lies in being free from Envy, Greed, Wrath and hurtful speech -  Loose Translation

It is all very well for Tiru to say that Virtue lies in a spotless mind. The problem is that you cannot just dump your mind into a washing machine and take it out spotless. If you could, you need not bother about identifying the spots, you only need to know the right washing powder or liquid. As it is, though, you need to know exactly what he means by 'spots'. Thankfully, the chap followed up his advice with a subsequent piece which identifies those spots.

You know, the thing is that all religion, and all advisers, seem to be down on roughly the same things. I mean, look up the seven deadly sins - here, if you want - and you will find 'Envy', 'Greed' and 'Wrath' there as well. To be sure, they also have 'Gluttony', and 'Lust' there but, I think, Tiru covered it under 'Avaa' which I translated as 'Greed'. Gluttony, probably, was 'Greed for food' and Lust counted as 'Greed for sex', so those two were also probably 'spots' according to his definition.

Needless to say, I was happy that Tiru had not been totally averse to 'Sloth', which counts in the Seven deadly sins. Unless, of course, he thought of it as 'Greed for sleep', though it is hard to see how he could have. I mean, if you are asleep, you are pretty much mindless then, so...But, I suppose, he would have devoted space for railing against 'Sloth' elsewhere, so I cannot really do a happy dance about that.

And 'Pride' is not specifically mentioned. Though, yes, 'hurtful speech' comes either from a hurt ego or from arrogance, so it could be covered there. Not much reason to feel that you have been let off lightly either way.

So, essentially, Tiru's prescription for a 'spotless mind' is quite the normal thing for all societies to prescribe. Except for the fact that he seems to give a lot more importance to your ATTITUDES than your BEHAVIOR. As in, what's in the mind is more important to determine your virtue than your actions. Yes, 'hurtful speech' IS action but I suppose what he means is more the intention to hurt rather than the action. These poets, they need to balance concept with meter or some such esoteric poetic thingy.

That 'hurtful speech' thing, now! Remember what I said some time back. About why Tiru is not THE meme-man? I mean, you cannot be against 'hurtful speech' AND expect to rule social media, now, can you? So, what does the man expect? That I follow his advice and, consequently, become a social media recluse? Nonsense!