Spring Has Sprung

Posted on the 05 May 2015 by Mattie @comfyconfident

 This past weekend we finally saw the first signs of Spring here in Boston.  Sunday was incredibly nice!! I went for a run and could not stop taking pictures, smiling and enjoying  the spring air. I ended up running an extra 3.5 miles because I was having so much fun! 

The Charles River was full of  sail boats, the park was full of kids playing soccer and the walking path had rows of people walking, running and biking. 

All this nice weather makes me excited to get outside and energized to exercise. I have been looking for that extra push to get in shape and work out. The nice weather is helping and I plan riding this wave as long as I can! 

      yoga under the blooming tree!  Sunday dinner was grilled steak and brusesels on the roof  smoothie after my long run. it was so good!This smoothie was so good and so easy to make. I may of had two! 

Coconut Strawberry Banana Smoothie

1 cup of strawberries 

1 banana 

1 scoop protein powder 

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut almond milk   
1 cup of water 

Put in your blender and mix until it is all blended together and smooth. 

Beautiful view of the Zakim Bridge