Spring is a Musical Season

Posted on the 01 April 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1


It’s officially Spring and time to break out Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” for an excellent musical Top 10 Tuesday lesson plan. Teach your children about some beautiful classical music and have fun while doing it, too! Happy Spring!

Originally posted on Tucson Songstress:

Antonio Vivaldi’s beautiful composition, “The Four Seasons,” has been used by teachers and musicians in lesson plans worldwide.  This gorgeous masterpiece has so many teachable components to work with, but for today’s Top 10 Tuesday music activity, I am going to focus on the “Spring” concerto.  We are entering the Spring Solstice this week, and I feel that this music perfectly sets the mood to this lovely time of year.

You will need several items to complete this activity:

(1)  A recording of the “Spring” concerto from “The Four Seasons.”  Here it is on Youtube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4kTei0XrCs

(2) One set of rhythm sticks.  Here is a picture of my favorite set.  They are available for purchase through Amazon.  Click HERE to view them.

(3) One rain stick.  I always have loved the rain stick that is see-through so your child can understand how it works.  It, too, is available through…

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