Diaries Magazine

Spring is in the Air

Posted on the 08 March 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
Spring is in the air The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April day  When the sun is out and the wind is still, You're one month on in the middle of May.
Spring is in the air
But if you so much as dare to speak, A cloud comes over the sunlit arch, A wind comes off a frozen peak, And you're two months back in the middle of March. Robert Frost
Spring is in the air
The sun has been gracious this week - spring is in the air! I was priviledged to visit a "forest kindergarten" this week - the sun rays caressed my cheeks as I bicycled the rest of the narrow road to the old farm.
I took these snapshots along the way ...
A scrumped red berry hang all alone in the bush - it has survived the frost and the snow, without being eaten by the birds og squirrels ...
The ice on the lake is smelting, there's only a few spots of snow here and there under the trees...
The spring awakens my desire to be creative - to craft with bright, colorful papers and materials to bring about a new breath of life inside the house as well.
Spring is in the air
I look forward of crafting some small Easter decorations this weekend ...
Hopefully a walk at the Bernstroff Palace Gardens - maybe to find some more buds in the bushes and trees?!

 A warm welcome to my new blogger friend & follower Crystal!
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Spring is in the air

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