Sprint's next flagship, ZTE Vital, has leaked today with top quality specs. The device will feature a 5-inch HD display, 1.5GHz dual-core processor, a 13MP camera, and will ship with Android 4.1. Other features include 1GB RAM, NFC capabilities, 8GB internal storage with a micro SD card slot and a strong 2,500mAh battery.
The device is to compete with HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4 and if Sprint is able to offer the device in time and at the right price we'll have an interesting competition. Although ZTE has to work a lot to get any way near HTC and Samsung but this smartphone can give them a start they would like.
Are you looking for a smartphone which is a bit cheaper but offers high quality specs like the One and S4? This may be the handset for you. Let us know how do you see this device coming.