…Step Up To The Plate

Posted on the 27 November 2011 by Zer @the2women

2WC presents:

A Thanksgiving Poem.

Brought to you by Stephanie and Zer, inspired by our family.

Stephanie:  It’s been ten months and then some since gnomes ruled the day,

Now it’s Thanksgiving not Christmas, but, oh what the hey.

Zer:  Those pointy-hatted plotters all stayed in their spots;

But not all was so calm, and so thickens our plot.

Stephanie:  No venom, no violence, but joy and goodwill

Some sleuthing, some Muppets, some pie, and even more still.

Zer:  Some turkey, some gravy and even more sweets.

Potatoes, that is, more than we would normally eat.

Stephanie:  Game night and trivia from days well gone-by,

Facts we couldn’t recall, no matter how hard we try.

Zer:  Too soon, it seems, the fun times were through,

We packed up our bags; made heavier with left over food.

Stephanie:  Now, Christmas is coming.  It’s not so far off,

We’ll be shopping and singing and have more stories to swap.

Zer:  On that note we’re finished, consider this our poetic bow.

Have a safe shopping season, you should probably get started…now.


…just for fun: