Welcome to today's post, I am taking part in a 31 day blog challenge where I post everyday in October. I love creating challenges for myself and joining ones by others. My challenge for the rest of the month is to reflect on some of the series I created for myself and inspiration that I have taken away.
Listen to the Podcast
Thank you for joining me for another Gratitude's and Celebration Journal, today is day 31 and the end of the challenge. I am very proud of myself for keeping it going and sticking to the schedule. I did have a couple of days where getting myself to complete the post on the blog and then do one for the podcast, but I made it work, and I stuck with it for me, and for those beautiful people who visited the blog and listened to the podcast.
For the Gratitude’s and Celebrations journal I shared with you yesterday I made the journal, and had a fabric cover which I decorated and was a piece of art in itself. I showed up on that challenge every week to look at those things that I am grateful for, and celebrate the life that I have been given. One of my last posts was about growth and the things that we learn through our growth which at times can be painful as well as exciting, scary and thrilling!
Spending time in the journal each week was a good discipline, I made time for creativity, and learnt to have more patience in the work I wanted to do.
Making it work for you
I created 86 weeks worth of insights, celebrations and paintings and made some lovely connections with those who visited the blog posts each week. We are connected and our actions have an impact on someone somewhere around the world so we have to be mindful about what we say and do and treat each other with a bit more kindness.
I still continue to have an attitude of gratitude and celebrate the growth and the insights that I learn each and every day.
Adding and stitching and embellishments
I am still on a creative journey in my journal and like many work in a variety of journal depending on how I feel and what I want to work with, and as I said before each journal is still a lovely work in progress
That said I have also had an amazing journey completing the challenge for the past 31 days I learn to use some new technology, new skills, the value of showing up for me, and for those who find value in my work. On the blog I will be sharing more art journal work, process videos, art book reviews and some of the art work that I have been getting up to so it will be great if you join me.
I am very proud of completing all 31 additional posts for the Realityarts Podcast along with the weekly 2 posts I have been doing. I hope that it has brought some enrichment to your lives. I thank all the listeners for joining me over this past month, as I shared my work.
I would love you to come over to the podcast and hear some podcasts that I have been creating and maybe think about joining me on my Patreon site where you will get some exclusive content and you will be helping to keep much of the content that I create free.
For November I will be continuing to post on the podcast twice a week and have a bit of a breather, but will be working on midweek show where I will be looking at Arts and Health specifically, so you will be getting 3 episodes each weekIf you missed some of the Blog posts you can find them below, click on the day to go to the post:
Day 1 & 2 - Challenge Starts
Day 3 - Art Studio Essentials 1
Day 4 - Art Studio Essentials 2Day 5 - Tropical Garden 1
Day 6 - Tropical Garden 2Day 7 - 31 Art Journals 1
Day 8 - 31 Art Journals 2Day 9 - A - Z of Dementia 1
Day 10 - A - Z of Dementia 2Day 11 - Tips for Carers 1
Day 12 - Tips for Carers 2Day 13 - Healthier Lifestyle 1
Day 14 - Healthier Lifestyle 2Day 15 - 365 Days of Colour 1
Day 16 - 365 Days of Colour 2Day 17 - Writing Challenge 1
Day 18 - Writing Challenge 2Day 19 - Clearing the Clutter 1
Day 20 - Clearing the Clutter 2Day 21 - 52 Weeks of Colour & Inspiration
Day 22 - - 52 Weeks of Colour & Inspiration 2Day 23 - Creating in Faith 1
Day 24 - Creating in Faith 2Day 25 - Gratitude's 1
Day 26 - Gratitude's 2Day 27 - I love you today because 1
Day 28 - Memories of Home 1
Day 29 - Memories of Home 2Day 30 - Gratitude's and Celebrations 1
Day 31 - Gratitude's and Celebrations 2
Thank you once again for joining me and taking the time to read the blog and listen to the podcast, it has been much appreciated. it is never too late to start working towards your dreams, the main thing is to take one step at a time and do something that you find interesting.Stay blessed and be a blessing.