I've been wanting to do something for a while now and today is the day that I can say I've made plans to do it! I've never traveled to London by myself, I've been with Adam many times but never alone. I've never felt brave enough to tackle how anxious the thought of traveling alone somewhere as busy as London is makes me.
As a blogger I have been fortunate enough to be invited to quite a few events in London but I've rarely attended them because of how I've felt. But this year I set myself a goal and that was to just do it - to face my fear head on and try my best to overcome it. Because for me that's how it works. Take for example, how vlogging and being on camera can sometimes make me feel and how bad that used to be, sometimes I couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth, I'd get upset and not understand why. But I stuck at and I'm still sticking with it and everytime I fall or tumble over my words I just pick myself back up again. Back a good few years ago, I used to worry about driving and so I took a job that was an hour away to get over it. That same job involved me taking 999 calls, before I started there I used to feel really anxious when it came to making calls and talking on the phone - I no longer have that same level of anxiety. All these fears and feelings of anxiety are still there. When I drive a long distance, when I use the phone, when I make my youtube videos, the difference is is that I no longer let it stand in my way. For me, pushing myself to step outside of my comfort zone is the only way I feel I can overcome my lack of confidence and any anxiety I feel.
It isn't easy and this has taken me years.. but this year I will be going to the yearly parenting blogger event and conference, BritMums Live and whilst it's the second time I'll be attending, it's the first time I'll be traveling and being in London by myself. Just putting that into writing makes me feel so proud, I finally feel as if I have enough confidence to push any fears or worries out of my head and just do it.
I'd been waiting for the right opportunity to push myself to do this when out of the blue I was sent an email invite from Boots Soltan who are sponsoring and who are going to have a stand at BritMums Live this year. They have invited me along with five other bloggers (who I'm very excited to spend time with!) to attend the event and also work with them later on in the year around sun protection, which I feel is a great fit my for my blog especially when it comes to sun protection and children, as I think this is a great thing to raise awareness of.
I'm so excited to have been invited, I'm excited for so many reasons. I'm really looking forward to overcoming my fear of traveling to London alone. I'm excited to work with Boots Soltan and learn more about sun protection and care. I'm excited to attend BritMums Live again and go to the blogger workshops as I found them so inspiring before. And I'm also super excited to get to see and hopefully talk to some fellow bloggers, ones I'd met before as BritMums Live previously and others I've not yet met. I remember coming away from BritMums Live before feeling so inspired by everything and everyone. And this time Adam doesn't have to wait around in a hotel room for me whilst I'm there, which I'm sure he'll be rather quite pleased about! ;)
If any bloggers who are going read this, please do come and say hi if you see me! :)
Thank you to Boots Soltan for this opportunity!
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