…still Believe

Posted on the 24 January 2016 by Zer @the2women

It’s a big day for nerds of the nineties (I say that with nothing but love and affection).

After a fifteen year hiatus, “The X-Files” returns to television tonight.

So, today, I thought I’d talk about why we all love “The X-Files”: Agent Scully.

I mean don’t get me wrong, Mulder is great with his un-shakeable belief in what’s out there, but let’s face it, Scully is the rock in this relationship. Scully’s cool, logical, intelligent approach to each and every case was incredible.

Not to mention she was one of the first televised strong female leads (that’s code for bad ass) for many children of the nineties.

And although I didn’t join the X-Files party until later in the game (I was 5 when it debuted give me a break), I count myself among them. And look forward to even more bad ass moments from this cultural icon with tonights return.

…bi-daily smile…