She "ponders" a lot :)
Her outfit of the day...elephants, bows, and Mary Jane's from Aunt Donna.
Here's that wild brother...who loves his little sister to pieces!
All dressed up for her 2 week doctor appointment.
Side note...I've been breaking out in hives the past 3 days for some unknown reason. They show up in different places each time. Anywhere from my eyelids and chin to my ankles and under my arms. After doing a little research, I read where there are quite a few cases of women experiencing hive break outs after giving birth. Have any of you experienced this? Any information or help is appreciated! I've never had hives before in my life so I am a bit taken back by their sudden appearance. I've been taking benadryl but it literally knocks me out. I need another option to stop this itching! Help?!