Stirring the Senses! ~ It's a Fabulous Morning After All!

Posted on the 20 August 2013 by Bethschreibmangehring


Every now and then you find yourself in a  very surreal and discomforting situation. On our way to Las Vegas yesterday we made a detour through Atlanta  only to find that we'd missed our connecting flight. Instead of the luxurious bed that I was expecting last night, Delta armed me with a travel kit, several vouchers  and a shuttle to the Country Inn at midnight, where the only available food was barely that and the bed was as hard as a board!

We slept for 5 hours and jumped up at 5:00 am to catch our flight out. As we stood in the mile long security line I realized that my feet were SCREAMING as I was wearing the same really cute gold heels that I left with yesterday at 4:00 pm! We got through the line and I deposited my husband at the gate and went off in search of a cup of coffee. On my way back I passed a L'occitane store and glory be,  they were open! 

I have to say that I have always loved L'occitane products and used to sell them in my store when they first arrived stateside. I ducked into the store just wanting something wonderful to sniff. What I was met with were two of the most charming sales associates I'd ever met and it was only 7:00 am! "Do you have any foot cream?" I asked. "Yes , of course" said a lovely gentleman and he handed me the tube. I was just starting to rub my feet when an angel said , "Please let me do that for you!"  At first I felt self concious about letting her, but hedonism quickly took over:) I sat down and proceeded to have the loveliest foot rub , so good that I practically fell asleep in the chair!


I walked out of that store in a blissful state of mind armed  with  a beautiful lavender handcream , a lovely rose sachet that is currently banishing all of the stale air on this airplane ( I feel like such a lady:)  and some of their wonderful foot cream. So far this morning I've had a wonderful foot rub and my husband and I have had hand massages on the plane with the lavender cream that I bought. I'm feeling refreshed and completely rejuvenated all because of the kindness of  a couple of complete strangers who had absolutely no clue that I write about fragrance, beauty and fashion on an almost daily basis. That's  the difference between a salesperson and a great sales associate...when someone treats me that well before they find out that I wrote for the industry I'm always smitten!

I've got to thank Shannon Chandler for his most excellent service and Cheryl Dibbs for  her sweetness and most  excellent hands! Kudo's to  L' Occitane for having the wisdom to hire such  fabulous people! If you ever get to the Atlanta Airport  you'll find them  in Concourse A.  Don't're in for a treat! I've seen L'Occitane in many an airport and I'm always greeted by a smiling face but these two went way above the call of duty and I thank them...worship them practically! They saved my day and made me a customer for life!