Diaries Magazine

Stocking Fillers For the Man in Your Life!

Posted on the 29 November 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Stocking Fillers for the Man in Your Life
Men always complain about how difficult it is to buy gifts for women, but in actual fact buying for men can be far harder. Most ladies are happy enough if their other half has bought them something shiny, smelly or pretty, and shop assistants are usually on hand to help steer wayward boyfriends and husbands away from hideously OTT lingerie when they go Christmas shopping. Women on the other hand have the challenge of decoding the grunts of their other half that sound vaguely like a request of a really boring torch, and then work out exactly which one is right. If you’re stuck for inspiration this year take a look at these few ideas for littler gifts for the man you love.
If you want to play it safe with your stocking stuffers, then you can’t go far wrong with some man toys. Find some add-ons for his phone, or a new controller for a games console and you’ll earn loads of brownie points for just knowing what gizmos it is that he holds so dear. These might seem pretty boring as a gift, but lots of men love gadgets and everything that goes with them, and as such find a battery pack pretty enthralling.
Smellies It’s nice to have a man that smells nice, and a lot of men will not buy aftershave or nice smelling shaving lotion for themselves, so buying these as gifts is a great solution. He will be pleased that he has a nice smell to wear without having to brave the perfume counter, or risk you not liking what he chooses, and you get a lovely smelling man for the new year. Win, win!
It’s winter, so whether or not your boyfriend or husband usually wears pyjamas, he will certainly appreciate having something warm and comfy to lounge round the house in - even if he chooses not to sleep in it. All-in-ones have been around for a few years now and it seems that are very much here to stay. Onesies for men are becoming more popular now too as men catch on to how cosy they are when it’s chilly out, and you even buy them in supermarkets such as George Onesies for men at ASDA.
Buying books can be a bit tricky if you’re in a new relationship, as taste in books is very personal. Do a bit of snooping and find out if he’s reading a particular series that you could maybe follow on from, or if he has a number of books by a certain author. If you’ve been with your partner a while and either live with or are married to them, you will likely know his tastes in books a little better, and might get away with choosing something a bit different that you think he will like. If all else fails, there’s always an autobiography or ninety to choose from at Christmas time.
The best gifts are ones that show you’ve really put thought into them, so take some time deciding on what to buy for your special someone this year. Do some sneaky reconnaissance work and he’ll be thrilled when he realises you listened through his 20 minute explanation of why one gadget is better than another, and have got him a gift that is really tailored to what he enjoys.
 Merry Christmas!
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