Stoned in Barcelona

Posted on the 29 January 2012 by Alison @AlStaples
Prepare yourselves for another travel series - for dear readers I am in Barca.
So just to tide you over until I have time to do some proper writing - here are a couple of tit bits!
Over the last couple of days, I have officially had custody of the finest view in Barcelona. Could a roof terrace be any finer?
Stoned in Barcelona
And the getting stoned part?
No, I've not been doing drugs. Neither have I encountered an angry mob.
Stoned in Barcelona
Today I developed an unhealthy addiction to photographing stone!
Stoned in Barcelona
I'm afraid Gaudi has got to me. I've gone all arty - look at the textures!
Despite Barcelona and I not getting off to the best of starts, after one mammoth day of sightseeing, I think my Facebook status update just about says it all:
"Saw a sunset today that made me do a little dance - and a view that made all the bald months worthwhile. Barcelona - I love you :-)"
So strap yourselves in because there's lots Barca magic to look forward to!