
Posted on the 27 January 2015 by Zer @the2women

As winter storm Juno bears down on the east coast, a storm of a different nature is taking over the Twitter-sphere.

Not surprisingly, Twitter has something to say about this catastrophic weather event, and even less surprising, a lot of it has an air of humor.

For those not following #Blizzardof2015 (or if you prefer, #Snowmageddon2015), the social commentary ranges from helpful:

7 wise health tips to stay warmer in a blizzard http://t.co/7wDB6gkRXB #blizzardof2015

— Mashable (@mashable) January 27, 2015

to informative:

Here's our blizzard, as it looks from space right now: http://t.co/iSlCMLyRt8 #blizzardof2015 pic.twitter.com/C3sFVY4aYF

— Slate (@Slate) January 27, 2015

to adorably funny:

Massachusetts police have a humorous warning for drivers before massive blizzard: http://t.co/8Nzh7Ypx0t pic.twitter.com/xI0cxvj0X0

— BI Transportation (@BI_Transport) January 26, 2015

Of course, in spite of the sometimes humorous commentary, and ridiculous names, this is a serious storms. So to all those in its path, stay safe, stay warm, enjoy your snow day, and we expect plenty of epic snow pictures posted on Twitter…after the storm.

More on the Story: TIME

…just for fun:

I couldn’t help myself. Enjoy!