Strawberries Are Daddy’s Kryptonite

Posted on the 30 September 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Kryptonite for daddy, Strawberries. Image courtesy of gt_pann at

When we were away on holiday one of the girls was very annoyed with daddy. She decided to tell him, “I’ve had strawberries!”, and then proceeded to try and lick him. Daddy is allergic to strawberries and of course cannot have any.

I was taken with the change in thinking. Daddy can’t have them. I can now use this against him and he has to run away. Clever really and also naughty.

Strawberries is daddy’s Kryptonite. Have your kids caught on to what you cannot have? Are you allergic and cannot have it ever, or just don’t like it?

It was a clever thing to do, as daddy really has no choice but to think that this child might have had strawberries, she loves them and eats them like it is going out of fashion. However on the day of the incident she had none and he knew this. She of course did not like this, but you have to give her points for trying.

When did your child/children start to get smart when fighting back? Let me know. Is it around the four years age mark and nearly five?  Send in your comments.