Streets of Rage Portraits and FFVI Seraphim

Posted on the 19 February 2015 by Blackmageheart @Blackmageheart

Remember that Adam I had a WIP of in my last post (which was quite a while ago, I know) ? Well I went and finished it, as well as the two other characters, Axel and Blaze!

Streets of Rage Portraits

They’re not exactly finished, because they need a wash and a press before I figure out what to do with them. I may get one of those multi-photo frames for them, since it would be a shame to split them up!

I also completed this recently:

FFVI Seraphim

It’s Seraphim (or sometimes Sraphim) from Final Fantasy VI. I had a lot of difficulty getting the colours to look ok, but it turned out nice enough.

In other news: I signed up for KingCon 2015! So a huge chunk of my makes this year will be going there, and hopefully I will have a lot of wares!

Currently working on: Rapidash – will post progress soon.