Stress, Pressure, Anxiety … Oh My!

Posted on the 30 January 2013 by Bananas4you

Stress is a funny thing. It comes at us from all angles, and sometimes we can’t pinpoint exactly why we are stressed, we just know that something isn’t right. Everybody’s been there. You have fifteen million different things going on, and what seems like just as many people coming in and out of your life on a daily basis. This particular stress has always been a problem with me, specifically in identifying it. I’m the kind of person that has to know why something is happening. Not knowing usually just increases my stress.

Without meaning to, one of my new Professors for this semester stumbled on the answer. It wasn’t until I was looking through my notes to review that I realized that the answer was staring me directly in the face. Literally. Below is what I took down in my notes.

“Regardless of what we claim our value system to be, it can be identified by viewing how we live our life and spend our time.”

This is something that is hard to do. It’s easy to examine or judge other people for what they are doing, but incredibly difficult to take a look in the mirror. Sometimes, though, that’s exactly what needs to happen. Maybe you’ve just gotten off the path of where you want to be in life, and although you didn’t realize it at first, it was causing you some anxiety. Changes can always be made, even if they’re not always easy to make.

So, sit down and think about where you’re at and what you’re doing; take a really good look in the mirror. Now, think about who and what you want to be in life. With those two people in mind, figure out a way so that you can be content with where you are in life.

You might not have any discrepancy between what you want and who you see in the mirror, and maybe this post wasn’t applicable to you. It is to me, though, and it might be to someone you know, or to you at some other time in your life. Keep it in mind.