Shaun (voiced by Justin Fletcher) is a sheep who is tired of the monotony of daily life. When his plan to take a day off goes horribly wrong it’s up to Shaun to set things straight.
With the help of the rest of the flock and Bitzer the farm dog (voiced by John Sparkes) to save their farmer (also voiced by Sparkes) and bring him back home. What ensues includes multiple high speed chases, secret identities, a bad case of amnesia, a dastardly villain, and a happy ending.
So, what’s the twist?
Well, what you might not have guessed based on the synopsis, is that not a word is spoken. Yes, that’s right. The entire script of the film consists of baa’s, grunts, and facial expressions. Which might sound boring and confusing, but you might be surprised by ho much can be said without uttering a single word.
It’s a sweet film, and it’s a nice break from the onslaught of big studio blockbusters.
…just for fun: