Strollers, Strollers, Strollers

Posted on the 07 March 2012 by Ourlittlecorner @ourcornerblog

I have a slight obsession with bags and strollers. I've gone through many many bags since I became a mother and I've gone through quite a few strollers too.
Here are my thoughts and humble opinions on the strollers I have and have had.
Single Strollers 
Baby Trend Travel System
When Bug was born I registered for, and received, a little orange Baby Trend travel system. I really loved the orange since it was bright and different and fun. I think it was a pretty good, basic stroller except after only a few months one of the wheels literally just fell off as we were walking out of the mall. So that stroller was taken back to the store.
Graco Travel System
We exchanged the Baby Trend travel system for a Graco Aura travel system. The Graco travel system worked great for several months until we needed a double. I would recommend it to anyone as a basic, practical travel system.
Basic Umbrella Strollers

I've had several cheap, very basic single umbrella strollers and really don't like them for several reasons: no storage, no sunshades and the seats started wearing out and fraying on a couple that I've had. I finally got rid of them and don't plan on buying any more. There are a much nicer umbrella strollers out there (Maclaren, ChiccoJeep, The First Years and others make them) and I plan on going with a little more expensive and sturdier umbrella stroller if I ever need to buy another one.
Maclaren Volo

I have a single Maclaren (I think it's a Volo) that I've only used a couple times. Mine is really old (like 9-10 years old) but it's in perfect condition and still looks nice and functions great. I really haven't used it enough to have a long list of pros and cons but it seems like a nice little stroller for quick trips to the mall or library.

Double Strollers
Personally, I am all about double strollers, rather than a Sit N' Stand, for a baby and a toddler or two toddlers. Now that Bug is 3 I'd probably consider a Sit N' Stand for an every day stroller if I didn't already have a double stroller. Any younger than 3 years old, though, I'd definitely consider a regular double over a Sit N' Stand. Just from my personal experience.
Graco Duo Quattro

In late spring 2010 we started shopping around for a double stroller. I decided on a Graco Duo Quattro. I found a red one on Craigslist for a great deal! I used this stroller for about 4 months after Little C was born. When he was 4 months old he decided he hated sitting in the car seat when we were out. He did so much better sitting up in the stroller seat. This proved to be a bit of a problem because he hated sitting in the back of the stroller (probably because he couldn't see out very well) but if I set Bug back there she would squirm and end up kicking the seat in front of her and jostling Little C around.
I haven't used this stroller in over a year so it's hard to remember every detail but here are the pros and cons as I remember them.
- Nice, big, drop-down storage basket. The drop-down feature made access very easy.
- Lots of little cubbies for mom... 2 drink holders, tissue holder, plastic storage compartment with a zippered storage area underneath... so more than enough room for drinks, sunglasses, wallet, keys, wipes, etc.
- Each kids' seat has 2 cup holders (or cup and snack holder.)
- Sunshades for each child.
- You can fit 2 car seats on the stroller, at the same time. So it's great for newborn or young twins.
- It's like pushing a small train
- Doesn't turn easily
- Front seat does not fully recline. (Making naps for 2 at the same time difficult.)
- The thing is huge when folded up and was always really awkward to heave into the car.
It was an "okay" stroller. I personally wouldn't buy another one because it was so big and long and heavy and the front seat didn't fully recline.

Baby Jogger City Mini Double 

In early January 2011 I decided I wanted to start running (too bad I didn't stick with it) so I started looking around for a double jogger. My sister-in-law had previously mentioned that a Baby Jogger City Mini was great stroller. When I was looking for a double jogger I found an orange and gray Baby Jogger City Mini for a steal on Craigslist. Silly me... I thought that "Baby Jogger" meant it was a jogging stroller! It was so cute, I thought I could use it for a jogger and an every day stroller. Well, turns out Baby Jogger is just the brand... I didn't realize it wasn't a jogger until I got it home. So, I sold the Duo Quattro and the City Mini turned into my every day stroller. I've used it a lot in the past year and plan on keeping it for awhile longer. We've used it at the mall, zoo, museum and park. I've even taken it into the library, various stores and into the doctor's office. It's awesome.
- It fits through all standard size doorways.
- It turns on a dime and really easy to push. It's super easy to carry a baby or toddler in one arm and push the stroller with one hand. It's even really easy to open a door, hold the door open and push the stroller through, with one hand, in one quick motion. People are always surprised at how easily I can get the stroller through a door, by myself, when I'm out shopping.
- Two huge sunshades. A separate shade for each seat.
- Seats that fully recline.
- 5 point harness seat belts that are very easy to adjust.
- It also folds up quickly and easily and folds up pretty small for a double.
- The stroller does not come with any extras. No cup holders for mom, no storage for keys, sunglasses, etc. You have to buy all extras separately.
- You can buy a car seat attachment for the stroller but can't have 2 car seats attached, side by side. (I only know this from reading other reviews.) This obviously didn't effect me but it probably wouldn't be an ideal stroller to use for newborn/young twins unless you want to transfer them from car seat to stroller every time you went out.
- I've read others complain about the storage basket being hard to access. It is hard to access from the front or the back but if you reach in from the sides it works just fine. So this really isn't a con for me.
- I adore this stroller and if I ever need another single or double I will definitely go with a Baby Jogger City Mini.

InStep Double Jogger

I also have an InStep double jogger. Mine is at least a few years old, so I can't really speak for the newer ones but from from my experience my InStep jogger isn't that great. Honestly, none of the InStep double joggers on Amazon look remotely like mine so mine must be pretty old. The one in this picture is mine and I got it off Craiglist several months ago.
- Hand brake
- Zippered compartments on the shade
- Storage area under the seats.
- Sunshade is very basic. I honestly don't understand why "they" make short little sunshades that don't shade the kids whatsover when you're facing the sun or with the sun to your left or right. Really dumb.
- The 5 point harness seat belts are murder to adjust. Every time I buckle the kids in it seems like the shoulder straps are too loose and the waist belts too tight. And the little piece that goes between the legs is ridiculously short. (Again, my InStep is at least a few years old. The newer models could be pure awesomeness for all I know.)
- No cup holder for mom.
- And the storage area beneath the seats drags the ground.
So these are my thoughts on the strollers I have or have had. This is what I've learned about strollers:
- Always research before you buy
- Don't assume you can't afford a certain stroller. If you live in a large metroplex you can probably find what you're looking for on Craigslist. Otherwise you may be able to find a deal on a used stroller online. You may have to be patient waiting to find that great bargain, but it is out there!
- Don't assume double strollers have to be bulky, heavy and hard to push and turn. Not so. There are great light weight, good quality double strollers out there.
- If you have two little ones, 3 and under, consider a double stroller over a Sit N' Stand if you plan on long outings several times a month. Keep in mind your older toddler may still need a comfy seat to relax and nap in. Just because they're a little older doesn't mean they don't deserve a comfy seat on frequent, long outings too.