Stuck No More: Inspiration for Your Blogging, Writing & Creativity - "Hope is the Thing With....

Posted on the 20 November 2013 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot

Hope is the thing yes, editedEach day, a quote, an image, several questions and a writing prompt are offered to you to use for  Your Blogging, Writing & Creative Inspiration in order to increase your creative thinking as well as your personal and soulful  development.


“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
― Emily Dickinson

I remember the first time I came across these words. I read them and something clicked.

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul…….”

Hope doesn’t need language or word explanations, she simply sings and sings and sings, unceasingly.

Today is one of those days where I need to be reminded of this.

What about you?


What bird would you imagine being your symbol of hope and why is that? In your personal life, your business life, your family life, whatever fits – tell us about your hope feathers.

What do you feel, physically, when you allow hope to overtake your body?


List 5 to 10 things you are hopeful for right now –

List 5 to 10 things you were hopeful for in the last ten years. Pick one and write the “what happened.”

Bonus: Use the top list to ask questions and play with intention.

Traditional Writing Prompts:

When I think of hope, I think…..

Somehow, the thought of birds and feathers and hope and soul and singing singing singing makes me…..

 >> ---<<

One helpful strategy is to read the quote, questions, prompt and list and not to "take them on" all at once, but to allow them to simmer in the back of your mind throughout the day. Sure, you may "write" one immediately, but don't call it "done" until you have allowed your powerful subconscious mind to bring up some unexpected responses for your conscious mind to create within.

Remember, though - there are no rights and wrongs, there is only showing up for your life and your creativity. Brava for being here!!

This Blog Series was created to increase your creative thinking process as well as inspire writing and ideas to take form that may not have taken form without these specific quotes, questions and prompts. If you find them helpful, I hope you will pass them along to friends as well.

I’m so glad you are here, reading and creating.

Julie Jordan Scott is a writer, performance poet, Mommy and mixed-media artist. Her word-love themed art will be for sale at First Friday each month in Downtown Bakersfield. Check out the links below to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.

Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot

 Be sure to "Like" WritingCampwithJJS on Facebook. (Thank you!)

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And naturally, on Pinterest, too!

 © 2013 - Julie Jordan Scott - all rights reserved.

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