Summer Blog Tour: Creative Work, Process and What is Up Right Now -

Posted on the 28 July 2014 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot

You have found your way to the Summer Blog tour!

You are welcome here!

It has been intriguing to keep track of my creative process this week as I prepared to host the Summer Blog Tour here. I even discovered past blog posts I've written about the creative process. I've linked to some below the blog tour piece.

My initial thoughts were, "You know, I don't really know how to discuss my process as it tends to 'just happen' which it does and it doesn't. So - many thanks to Mary at Living a Sunshine life for tagging me for this blog tour and away.... we go!


1. What am I working on?

It is almost Summer's end, so I am turning slightly to the Fall now, thinking about what I'll be presenting once the  kids are tucke into school for much of the day. I happen to appreciate the schedule school gives me: I don't have to even think about the kids for those six or so hours and it helps me move my projects along. Thank goodness!

I will be launching a new domain/website in September, so I am busily getting the backwork done much like a pregnancy. Also, I am taking a lot of my blog content and "stitching" them into book form. This is long overdue and I'm very excited for it.

I am also Directing two one act plays and this coming week I have my first bonafide poetry performance in years: since before my melanoma.

This is a very big deal for me.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

In the old days when I was a new life coach and newly into the inspirational/motivational/personal development field, I thought I had to be perfect in order to be successful. This meant I hid a lot of the "real me" underneath an internet personality veneer. I don't do that anymore.

This makes me different from many.

I also tend more towards being an active artist and very active in my local community. Many online personalities I know focus almost primarily on their online persona. Again, I did that in the old days. I am grateful I don't do this anymore.

3. Why do I write/create what I do?

I write and create to live. Simple. If I didn't, I would be much less happy and much less satisfied. I got a bunch of work done on my house - in fact, it will be done tomorrow - and what I was reminded of was that when my focus moves too far from my heart center of creativity, no one is happy.

So many women give up their creative process - as I did in my twenties and thirties - and become totally numb to life. I'm forever grateful I returned to creativity and in doing so I returned to me.

 4. How does your writing/creating process work?

It's quite simple: I follow the flow of passion.

The only thing not simple about that is it isn't concrete. There aren't instructions like "fit a into b and then use clamp x to 1-2-3."  

I saw a movie this weekend that reminded me a bit of one aspect of my process. The movie was "Begin Again" and starred Mark Ruffallo and Keira Knightley. It was about musicians and a few of them vibing off each other to improv a solution when told they couldn't do it the conventional way.

That's sort of my way, or my inspiration.

I also find I do the best when I have some sort of creative practice in place for every day creativity. I do best when I write morning pages and earlier this summer I was doing a daily index card sized mixed media piece every day. Five minutes, done. Love that sense of completion AND I love having tasks around that can be completed quickly with all my materials at hand.

Now: Please stay tuned for Part 2 of this post. The end of last week was chaotic and I figured if I started with this post and threw it against the internet wall it would be better than not doing anything at all. THIS, my loves, is at the heart of my creative process.

How hating a book helped further my creative process (and still impacts my process nearly four years later!)

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Ready to be inspired to be a more passionate writer and blogger? The Passionate Writer is another inspirational series from the Let Your Words Flow Program.

 The month of July will be filled with quotes, prompts and more for you to be even more passionate in your writing and blogging. Each day I will create a number of prompts for you to play with either now or in the future.

Whenever you feel like you need some extra ooomph for your writing, you can trust the Passionate Writer will be here for you.

If this is your first visit, you will want to visit our Let Your Words Flow Guide so that you will receive the most value from the life changing content you find here.

Julie Jordan Scott is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy and mixed-media artist  whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people's creative lives. Watch for the announcement of new programs coming soon.

Check out the links below to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.

Please stay in touch: Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot    

 Be sure to "Like" WritingCampwithJJS on Facebook. (Thank you!)

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And naturally, on Pinterest, too!

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