Summer Book Clubs

Posted on the 29 August 2012 by Rodeomurrays4 @RodeoMurrays4
Both Brailey and Britt were graciously invited to be members of Book Clubs, this summer. It was amazingly cute! Their friends, Daniel and Jonah, and their beautiful mother, Kristin, hosted the events all summer long. And you would be amazed at how adorable the discussions at the meetings were. It has been a great inspiration for reading books and gives the kids a chance to really think about what they are reading - a unique way to develop comprehension skills, right? They We're talking two clubs, and The White's, who hosted and and developed the clubs, invited the members to their house every two to three weeks, even mere days after they had just moved in to their new home! Amazing...! In any case, it has been super fun, and if you have kiddos that like to read, I highly recommend starting a "club." We all bring a snack to the meetings, which all the kids love, and they talk and eat and think and socialize. Then, they get to play! It has been great, and we thank The Whites and all the members of both clubs for making it so special. Thank you - it added a lot of flavor to our summer reading, to say the least! And both clubs decided to continue meeting into the school year, although only once a month, so the fun continues. What will they read next?