Diaries Magazine

Summer Fun!

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
With Summer here (Somewhere?! Apparently?!) a lot of parents are going to be on the lookout for fun ways to keep their little ones entertained outdoors.
For very small children of course, just the chance to run around outside or play in a paddling pool will be enough of a pull for them and you'll be battling to get them back inside for their tea....but for slightly older children it can sometimes be a bit of a battle to drag them away from their games consoles or tablet devices for long enough to breathe in any good old fashioned fresh air!
And so, garden toys can be an excellent way of tempting them outside to have fun, exercise and get some fresh air!
There are lots of different kinds of outdoor toys to tempt them with - from lower cost things like giant chalks and bubble guns, to the more costly items like the latest bikes or climbing frames, etc.
A personal favorite of mine from childhood was always trampolines - of course back then a garden trampoline was a tiny little square of barely-bouncy fabric which didn't let you bounce very high - trampolines now are much more exciting - almost as big as the ones you get in funfairs (But still small enough for most back gardens!) and with a safety-conscious net around to keep the kiddies on if they get over-excited so you don't have to worry too much about them hurting themselves!
These kinds of things don't even have to cost the earth anymore, with plenty of cheap trampolines available from major high street retailers such as TJ Hughes both in store and online.
How will you be keeping your little ones entertained outdoors this Summer?! As always, I'd love to hear from you!

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