Summer Weekend

Posted on the 03 June 2013 by Gray Eyed Athena @grayeyedowl

Despite today’s malaise, I am still mentally basking in the glow of a most perfect weekend, heralding the approach of summer.  Being in the sun charges my sleep-deprived batteries in a way that is almost as good as rest itself.  I spent all day Saturday on a boat with 10 other friends, enjoying each others’ company, the water and the sun.  Here I am (far left) with two friends from work, Sammy and Elizabeth.

On Sunday, my sister Madeleine (right) came down to hang out with me and Joe.  We laid on the deck, reading and chatting while the sun was hot and the breeze was gentle.  I made delicious pulled pork for dinner, and then rested inside where it was cool and read on while the wind picked up for an incoming storm.  Perfection.

After Madeleine left on Sunday, I got to spend some quality time with Joe while he’s on his mini-vacation from studying for the MCATs.  I love seeing him so relaxed and happy to be doing nothing!

My life never seems to take the middle ground.  I am thrown from situations of despair to situations of bliss in the blink of an eye.  Although my spirit is weary, I am perfectly happy and content only because I get to experience these perfect moments of happiness.