Summertime Sadness

Posted on the 19 June 2013 by Tinabuff @tina_buff

Its been awhile since I’ve posted anything on here, but mostly because I’ve been focusing on creating an online magazine. If you haven’t checked it out yet, please do! Anyways, the other reason I haven’t posted much lately is due to indescribable lack of inspiration. I live in Maryland’s most uninspiring, draining small town and I’m stuck here until the universe blesses me with a job opportunity. So, I decided to compile a collage of aesthetically pleasing things in this post to spark some creativity and imagination.

Flower Crowns

Lana Del Rey, Nancy Sinatra, Priscilla Presley, and Lux Lisbon (Kirsten Dunst) in Virgin Suicides are the queens of the flower crowns.

Here is my collection of flower crowns I have made myself and strategically placed on my wall in my bedroom, along with some other trinkets.

Twin Peaks

Lately, I’ve decided to watch the entirety of Twin Peaks. If you have never heard of this show, I highly suggest it. It is a tragic and mysterious 90′s television show about a teen dream, Laura Palmer, who is shockingly murdered one night in the small, secluded Washington town called Twin Peaks. The lives of the characters in this show remind me of the severely depressing and boring nature of Calvert County. The dullness and dreariness of Twin Peaks becomes eerily beautiful as the show progresses, and I couldn’t turn my eyes away.


Hidden Style Icons

Fairuza Balk in The Craft has always been a secret obsession of mine. The dark-mysterious look with the short messy hair is my go-to fashion trend. Then, of course there is Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams. She is so adorably creepy, you can’t help but love her! As a child, up until this day, I have always loved her gothic/witchy style and use it to inspire many of my own outfits.



The hues, vibrancy, and beauty of color can inspire ideas. The online magazine I’ve launched is titled Cerulean, which is a breathtaking blue that I not only adore the name of, but also feel radiant when my eyes are blessed to see its magnificence in daily life. The photos below are a variety of snapshots I have taken on my phone to capture the essence of color and the feelings that accompany it.



To be continued…