Diaries Magazine

Sunday 30.12.2012

Posted on the 29 June 2024 by Therealme

Sandra didn’t accept me on Facebook and she’s not planning to. Anyway, SHE is the one who destroyed the neutrality between us first! She probably changed the opinion about me after the explosion and now she’s leaving an impression like she’s scared of me. It was her I entrusted to keep my glasses when I erupted, she’s probably not satisfied I gave her only such position, so she’s cheaply revenging me. I endured this too, you only showed your culture, my slave!

Muhammed virtually told me he’d leave to Turkey after New Year’s Eve in 2013.

The rest of the day I was mostly struggling editing my I.T. seminar work – biography.

Andrea had called me, but I didn’t see watching “Gossip girl”.

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