Sunday Currently, Vol. 14

Posted on the 15 September 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

USS Missouri (c) KC Saling, 2013

I love writing these Sunday Currently posts. They’re little windows into my life, snapshots of what I’m doing or what I’m thinking about, behind-the-scenes looks that are a little a lot more candid than the posts I publish during the week. And they’ve made for fun reading for me as I skim back through them and see just what’s been going through my head from week to week. I hope you’ve enjoyed them, too!

This past week has gone by in a blur. Aside from really getting into the swing of things at work and ramping up a lot of work-related projects, I also got tagged to show some of the conference attendees at our logistics conference this week around Honolulu. While it might seem like a tedious job, I actually really enjoy getting details like this, because not only is it fun for me to show off my knowledge of the area, but I learn a lot in the process and get to see some pretty cool things. And it results in workdays where I’m not staring at a computer screen, looking at this instead:

Waikiki lunching (c) KC Saling, 2013

Definitely nothing to complain about. I know I’m going to have some serious email to wade through when I get back into the office on Monday, but until then, I have a day left on my weekend and I’m going to enjoy it!


In…my house, on the couch, feet up and half asleep. I had some long days this week that wore me out, did a ton of yard-work yesterday, rearranged all the furniture in the office, and I have to admit, this Blogging Compass finding your voice and writing from the heart stuff isn’t for the faint-hearted, so that tired me out, too. For whatever reason, I’ve been a little more introspective these past couple weeks, and dredged up some old things lingering around in my mental attic – and dealing with them wore me out.

Feeling…see above. I’m yawning right now, if you’re not already convinced.

Reading…James A Michener’s HawaiiI got a copy as a gift from one of my battalion commanders here before he moved off the island, and {provided you skip the first two chapters} it’s a riveting read. It’s really helped me think about where the islands and the people on them came from, and I’m a total nerd over local history anywhere I go so I love this book.

Writing…stuff for work. Blog posts. Catching up on my 101 in 1001 goal postcards, especially since I found a ton of vintage Hawaii ones I bought for my going away party the last time I left island. Yes, I kept them. Yes, I’m a pack rat. Remember all those posts where I complained about having too much stuff? Yup.

Cooking…nothing today. Making a salad for lunch. Probably microwaving a Flat Out wrap with grilled chicken, cheese, and fresh salsa for dinner. I was talking to Scott the other day about my lack of cooking lately, and discovered it isn’t so much that I’ve been busy or bored with food {although cooking just for one is a pain – he needs to get back out here}, it’s just been so dang hot out here that I haven’t wanted to turn on the oven.

Clicking…my email. I’ve gotten so many wonderful emails talking about both my “Reality Check” and “Second Love” posts from this week. Those posts were big toward pushing my blogging limits, and the extremely positive response makes me feel a lot better about dealing with deeper issues on occasion here in my little corner of the internet.

Listening…to Norah Jones. It’s a slightly rainy day that requires a beautiful sort of melancholy, and she’s perfect for it.

Smelling…cleaning products. I cleaned this house like a madwoman in preparation for the week. My husband is finally getting his butt back out here from Florida, along with our two cats who are finally done with their 120 days of quarantine! As of Wednesday, our little family will all be together again. That’s a happy thought.

My handsome guys (c) KC Saling, 2013

Thinking…that sometimes it’s hard to relate to other people’s situations, but just because we don’t understand how someone can feel pain in a situation we would shrug off, their pain is still real. It’s an idea that was triggered by reading a couple of blog posts, one on this very subject and one written by a blogger confronted with a situation that a lot of us have faced {long distance relationship} and breaking down completely. I’m really feeling bad about my initial reaction to judge her, because I don’t know here and I don’t know her situation. Feeling like this is a concept that needs more exploration than I have time and space for here.

Wishing…for energy and focus this week. I have a lot to accomplish and a brain that’s going a million miles in every direction. And let’s throw some compassion in there as well, so that I can better deal with situations like the one above.

Hoping…that I have enough peace of mind to get a nice long nap in on this couch after I’m done typing this post. And that after that nap, I can get up and run all the errands I have to run, and hopefully get an actual run in. Hope, hope, hope. One of these days I will remember that hope is not a course of action!

Wearing…running shorts and a t-shirt. I would say those are in case I actually get up off this couch and go running, but these have also become my standard wear around the house and working in the yard. I promise, if I go out or go run errands, I will get presentable. Okay, I’m lying, I’ll probably go to the store in this. Sigh.

Loving…having a day to breathe. I have things I want to get done, but nothing I have to get done. I have a day to do whatever my little heart desires, and that is a genuine blessing.

What’s on your mind, currently?