Sunday Currently, Vol. 9

Posted on the 04 August 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

We spent some gray and foggy days hanging out on California’s ever-beautiful central coast, but even with the fog and the gray, there’s something so incredibly restful about the air here! There’s nowhere in the world that’s as relaxing. Even though it makes us feel like going to bed around 8 p.m., it’s the perfect environment for a vacation. I feel reinvigorated and ready to take on the world – or this next stage of our adventure!

Today we’ve said goodbye to my folks and we’re heading north to catch up with some more friends before we fly out on the next leg of our summer tour. While I hate saying goodbye, I’m so excited for our coming travels to Alaska and Hawaii that I can’t wait to see how these adventures unfold!


In…California, probably somewhere on the I-5 corridor by the time you’re reading this, heading northward. We’re at the end of this leg of our trip. By the end of the day, we’ll be in Washington, and tomorrow we’ll be in Vancouver, getting ready to board the boat for Alaska!

Feeling…excitement! I’m so ready to go on this Alaska adventure and we’re setting out tomorrow! {cue the squee!}

Reading…nothing at the moment. I picked up a couple of easy airplane reads, but nothing worth writing about.

Clicking…on some of the blogs that I want to catch up on and comment on before I go out of wifi range. That being said, I’m really sorry about the time I’m taking to reply back to comments these days! I’m trying my best to stay on top of things!

Writing…character sheets for a novel. Recipe notes. Travel journal notes. To-do lists here and there. The usual.

Listening…to the Game of Thrones soundtrack. Really hoping that the rumors aren’t true about them changing the theme, because I think it’s an amazing piece.

Thinking…that this vacation, this month, and this summer are going awfully fast. Hoping the rest of this year doesn’t go like that, but thinking it just might. Wondering what I need to do to recapture the lazy days of summer I remember. Sometimes, I wish life just had a pause button.

Cooking…lots of lovely things. Made my green chile chicken enchiladas for my family this week while my mom made side dishes and my dad made margaritas. So much fun to be back at the house, cooking together as a family again! And my husband enjoyed our efforts!

Smelling…dust. It’s a dry and dusty time of year in California, and there’s been a drought going on. The signs lining the road proclaiming the creation of a dustbowl are a sad commentary on the state of things.

Wishing…that we had more time each of the places we stopped. It’s so hard to say goodbye, and there are so many more things we want to do.

Wearing…nothing fancy. It’s a road trip and plane trip kind of day, so it’s jeans and t-shirt for me. I wish I had something more fashionable to proclaim, but not today.

Loving…the continuing adventure. I love that I’ve come to embrace life in limbo. It used to be the part of moving that I dreaded the most, but now I’ve found a way to turn it into something that energizes me instead of stresses me.

What’s on your mind, currently?


P.S. Linking up for the Sunday Currently with Lauren at Siddathornton.