Sunday Shots…

Posted on the 08 March 2015 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

It’s been a long time since I did a Sunday Shots…I have been loving Instagram lately and have been posting my pics on there…

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But also…check these shots out…what a fabulous bloody day we had here on Vancouver Island.

Sorry about the snow…we have none. Which could also be bad in the long term. But we will cross that dry river bed when we come to it.

Today there was this.


And big Cedar stumps…


With clear lake breezes…


And ocean side secrets that you find when you need to pee…


And then you turn around and see a sea serpent…

And eat some sushi by the sea…

In a world that looks small when you are standing over it…

With a spot for fairies…

And even a Newt…

With a super nice view…

And some logging from old days…

With the usual photo bomb…

All in all, we did some good adventuring and found some new roads, from the sea to the lakes and back home again…

Welcome spring…

Happy Sunday!!