Diaries Magazine

Sunday Shots…

Posted on the 22 July 2013 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Sunday Shots

We had an amazing weekend…lots got done, and the pond in the back is shaping up beautifully. We went woodhunting on Saturday afternoon. We got wood. You know I like wood.

We found a truck on it’s side, long since abandoned, in the middle of nowhere.

sideways truck

And we found these…


Randomly, there they were, minutes after Bruce said out loud that he wished we could find some cool rock for the pond. All you have to do is ask the Universe. And you will get rocks.

They are going to be awesome.

Here is what we have so far in pond land, it is starting to look great…There are three all together.

Top ponds

This is a totally random stump on the way to Gold River, on the side of the road…we assume it is a memorial rose.

Roses in stump

This is the neighbours shenanigans this weekend…really guys? really?

trampoline truck

And the usual garden shots. This is my new hydrangea…love.


And my orange crocosmia is in full bloom…

Orange crocosmia

This is my climbing zucchini that one of my favorite customers gave me…beautiful flowers, I hope the squash actually stay on them :)

zucchini flower

The spiders are busy keeping the bad bugs away…


My new Echinacea…


And the peas are still in crazy mode, giving Bailey and I our nightly munchies…


The tomatoes are growing like mad…


And the token rose shot, this is White Licorice.

White licorice

And last but not least…the blueberries are ripening a wee bit every day, yummy!!


Have a fabulous week everyone!!!

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