Diaries Magazine

Sunday Shots…

Posted on the 10 February 2014 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Sunday Shots

This week we got a beautiful load of wood, and I got a few cool shots…the weather here has just been amazing, even though we are expecting snow tonight!!

This is one of many elk prints that were where we were getting wood, it was really sandy and there were hundreds of hoof prints in the sand on the road. That is my boot print beside it, big. Yes. The Elk I mean, not mine :)

Boot and elk

Clear shot of print…

Elk print2

It was sunny, but cold…


One more, a little smaller…

Elk print

I was standing on the ice, well until it started cracking, it wasn’t that cold apparently!!

walking on ice

Ice hole…

ice hole

Just looked cool, I love ice!

Ice Ice baby

The moss was frozen right under the ice and still nice and green!!

moss under ice

A perfect figure 8…go figure.

figure eight

The back side of the Strathcona Earth Dam…I wish there was someway to get a picture of it all so you could really see how huge it is.

Earth Dam

This is the side that the water goes through…

Strathcona earth dam

Happy Sunday night everyone!! Have a great week, and if you are lucky enough to be celebrating family day like we are in BC tomorrow, have a fabulous extra day off!!

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