Sunday Social

Posted on the 14 April 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
I love connecting with Neely for Sunday Social. It makes weekend blogging so much easier. This week is all about twitter. I love twitter and social networking.  1. When did you join twitter? December 21, 2008  I don't really remember signing up for twitter.  2. Who is your favorite non-celeb to follow? I follow a lot of people in the business world, bloggers, and friends. I work in the sports industry during the day, and follow people who I admire and want to be like in the business world.  I love following baseball wives because they are truly the backbone to their hubbies. They are also fun tweets because most of the time they travel with the team. 
Some of my favorite tweets are @nbellediaries and @postcardsfromrach. I'm sure I'm missing some of my favorites but being put on the spot I can't think of more.  3. Who is your favorite celeb to follow? I don't follow a lot of people that are celebrities. I guess if I had to pick a favorite celeb it would be Secondhand Serenade.  One of other favorites is Bernie Brewer @Bernie_Brewers. And yes, we tweet back and forth during Spring Training.  4. Have you ever had a celeb respond to a tweet?  Yes, John from Secondhand Serenade tweeted me back to tell me that he would be coming to Arizona on his next tour. He was actually here on Sunday. 
5. What is your favorite store/brand to follow? I really don't follow a lot of stores or brands because I feel like they are always trying to sell me something. I know I work in sales, but I don't I hate always being sold. My favorite is probable @Nike and @rundisney.  6. Give us three tweeps we should be following.  One of my favorite is Sarah at Venus Trapped in Mars. Her handle is @iamsarahwebb. My girl Christine at @christiiinaaaxo who blogs and tweets about all things Philly.  Also @taybrigham who's husband plays baseball. She also has a cute etsy store as well. She is so sweet and nice.