1. What was your favorite TV show as a kid?Saved By The Bell, Hey Dude!, and Unsolved Mysteries (even though it terrified me!) Yes, I was a strange kid. I didn't watch cartoons at all. :)2. What is your current favorite TV show?Pretty Little Liars, Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives, and I'm starting to come around to most of B's guy shows.. :)Also, I'm big on NCIS, Law & Order, and Criminal Minds. :)3. Which reality show would you NEVER do?Any of them. I love to guilty pleasure watch, but would never do it myself.4. Which reality show would you LOVE to do?Nada. haha.5. What is the TV personality/character that you feel is most like you?I don't think I watch anything that's "like me"....hmmm.6. Which TV character would you want to date?Well since my fave is PLL... and they are all WAY younger than me.. I"m going to skip hahahhaa.