Sunday Splendour: 20 May 2012

Posted on the 21 May 2012 by Jane @Jane_PlanetBaby
Good evening, you gorgeous souls. Tonight's post will be short and sweet as I prepare for tomorrow's big event. Here's this week's bounty of splendour!*I feasted upon* the last of our harvest of potatoes and cherry tomatoes, straight from our garden. Nothing tastes better when roasted!


*I discovered* even more of the divinely talented Leslie Shewring's pretty work in my favorite blues over on decor8. She never fails to inspire me. She's given me yet more ideas for my watercolours and some canvases I have just waiting to be turned into something magical. Doesn't she have such a splendid eye for composition and colour?* I enjoyed* planting 'Pa's camellia' with my precious pixies. They have been so wonderful over the past few days, giving me lots of reassuring cuddles and kisses. Even Sammy told me a number of times, "I miss Pa". Bless him - for 2½, he often shows maturity and compassion well beyond his years. Here we all are in our new gumboots (a sneak peek into the content of my upcoming new header) with them all calling out "Pa!" - hence the open mouths. It will be so wonderful to watch them tending to it over the years to come and knowing that they feel connected to him through it.*I created* this wedding present for some friends who married last week. They're actually our bank managers back in Sydney who have been incredibly supportive of us over the past few years when money has been tight. I really enjoyed making these for them in their favorite colours in my precious Liberty Tana lawn. It's not often nowadays that you can have such a close and mutually respectful relationship with your bank manager, is it?!*I read this* post from The Brave Girls' club. It was exactly what I needed to hear this week. Seriously, how they read my mind never ceases to amaze me! *I watched* Mr PB plant some exquisite peonies near Pa's camellia which I bought through Karen Wagner's fabulous garden shop. 


This is what one of these strange bundles of roots will become! Hmm, now comes the interminable wait for winter to pass and see them bloom! 
And that, my friends, is a wrap. I'd better scoot to bed as I have to be at the hospital at 7.30 am tomorrow for my hand surgery. Thankyou so much for all your well-wishes in advance. I'll let you know how it goes once I can type. And don't forget that while I recuperate, I'll be posting some links to my earlier posts as promised so you can catch up on more of my 'back story' - I hope you enjoy them.
Let me know if any of these little beauties take your fancy as well!