Sunday Splendour: 22 April 2012

Posted on the 23 April 2012 by Jane @Jane_PlanetBaby
Well Lovelies, yes, I'm posting this on a Monday - it was a full weekend on Planet Baby. One of those glorious autumnal ones we have here in Tasmania when it's still mild enough to be out and about and revel in the blaze of colourful, fluttering leaves as they carpet our gardens. Mr PB and I made huge inroads into placing our stamp on the front, cottage garden - more about that later.
*I feasted upon* this scrumptious black forest cake Mr PB and the pixies made to take around to my sister's when we saw my sweet little newborn nephew. It was gorgeous to watch the 3 of them, all lined up in descending height order, waiting to sing 'Humpty Dumpty' and crack their eggs, one by one, into the mixing bowl! * I discovered* that iPiccy and PicMonkey are two useful replacements for the dearly departed Picnik. I'm toying around with both of them, watching as they add new features, almost by the day. 
I've tried Aviary which is integrated with Flickr, where I upload all my photos, but found it way too complicated and non-user friendly. 
Apparently iPiccy is expecting to announce integration with Flickr any day now - fingers crossed! Then I'd be back to my seamless preference of uploading to Flickr, editing in iPiccy and saving the edited photos back to Flickr. Have any of you Planetarians tried out either of these programs? What do you think about them?
* I enjoyed* wearing my pretty new gumboots, both in the garden and at Joshie's soccer match (see below). Remember my gorgeous navy patterned ones I bought last year? Well, sadly, even although they spent all the year indoors, somehow the rubber started to crack. 
I showed them to the kind owner of 'For the Home and Garden' and she graciously allowed me to swap them for these lovelies for half price. Miss India was delighted to see me in pink - I'm *so not* a pink person but the pairing with the apple green pleases me no end.
* I created* some more goodies for my little Etsy shop. What do you think of this number?
I am finding the whole process of thinking up words, choosing the Liberty fabric, using my handwriting and curving the wire into shape so pleasurable. 
I'm getting quicker as I practice more. And the ideas are flowing so quickly - I want to make them all up now! But I have to pace myself with my little hand.
* I read this* these interesting thoughts over at Kind Over Matter.                            Source: via Jane on Pinterest
Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded.
It's a relationship between equals.
Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others.
Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.
Pema Chödrön
After all we've been through over the past few years, I really *get* this concept. How about you?
* I watched* Joshie score his first goal for the season with his new school soccer team.
Oh, talk about heart-swelling pride! And witnessing the delight on his face was priceless. One of those *indelible moments* I'll have to stash away in my memory bank.
So, there are some of the enjoyable moments of my week on Planet Baby. Do you feel inspired to buy some new gumboots now?! Or ask me for that recipe? Or maybe you've found another replacement for Picnik - please leap in and let us all know!