Hello, you gorgeous souls! Yes, I know it's *technically* Monday but after a full weekend following my dear Mum's return from her overseas odyssey, this is my first chance to write this post. Thanks to everyone who's contributed to the Post of the Month Club so far - there are some really fabulous tales there. You still have time to enter if you'd like - the more, the merrier! It'll be open until 14 June 2012.
Okay, so here are the splendid moments from my past week.
I *feasted upon* this scrumptious French-style apple tart we made yesterday when Nanna had a roast lunch with us to welcome her back from her sojourn. Miss India is now hooked and can't wait to make the next one!
I *discovered* this divine turquoise fretwork throw at Adorn Homewares. It's
127 cm x 150 cm and would be a most welcome addition to Planet Baby's sofa on these wintery evenings, don't you think?
I *enjoyed* discovering this scrumptious Vanilla Bean Layer Cake at the beautiful Sweetapolita blog.
Here's a printable form of the recipe. I'm always happy to share such yumminess with you all!
I *created* (well, it was one I had prepared earlier, owing to my hand surgery!) this little birthday present for one of my friends and favourite bloggers who should almost have received it by now, fingers crossed! I hope she enjoys it.

Source: olhar-43.net via Jane on
I *read* this most thought-provoking quotation from one of my favourite German-speaking poets,
Rainer Maria Rilke, over at the fabulous
Brain Pickings blog. It makes utter sense, don't you think?
I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.
Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
I *watched* Mr PB screw this delightful cast iron 'dinner bell' onto the wall of our deck. I am so excited about this little purchase. It's getting a little too cool for the pixies to be playing outside in the afternoons now but it will come in very handy in the warmer months. The pixies have had numerous attempts at trying it out and watching their siblings come running - it works a treat!
There was vigorous discussion about the height at which should be hung. The pixies prevailed with the lower height so they can use it without a stool ☺.
It's a well-made, heavy number which looks perfect in that spot - like it's always been there.
So, did any of these things take your fancy? As usual, please dive in and comment - that's the part I enjoy most about these posts.
And now it's time to make lunch for the pixies - Term One has finally ended and we're into a fortnight of the holidays. Busy days here!

PS 'Some Saturday soul food'
will return next week.