Yes – very soggy Stockport!
As you know, I am a very social member of my local running club. By social I mean I go to the socials. However, I’ve also done my time standing on roadsides hurling encouraging abuse at passing runners. Today I think I surpassed myself – standing in torrential rain in Woodbank Park cheering on Tris and the rest of the running club at the Stockport 10 miler.
There's a wood and a bank - Woodbank Park, Stockport.
Animal War Memorial.
I was in a bad mood, not even the knowledge that Woodbank Park was to provide the training facilities for the Papua New Guinea Olympic Athletics team next year could lift my spirits. Not even Zippy, one of The Thunderbirds or a lady dressed as a toilet could blow the dark clouds away.Papua New Guinea athletics training camp.
She'd probably have been dryer actually in a toilet.
The only ray of sunshine came in the form of the commentator – who so just happened to be ‘Bob Hope’. Not the dead American entertainer, that would have been weird, but actor Tony Audenshaw, who plays Bob in TV Soap Emmerdale.Bonkers Bob.
He was bonkers. A continuous stream of ‘nothing in particular’ rhubarb - in a sheepskin coat.Yup, completely bonkers.Quote of the day had to be as the athletes left the stadium, at the start of their 10 miles of hypothermic lunacy.“And off the athletes go for an hour or so of getting cold and wet. And you – the supporters – standing there in the rain, wishing that your partner had taken up a different hobby. Something inside, or abroad in a hot country.”Bob on!
Stockport 10.
Tris won a spot prize - attractive salt shakers - now who shall I give these to for Christmas?
It took 45 minutes in a hot bath to finally thaw me out.
Hair like an Old English Sheepdog.
Tris, on the other hand who ran 10 miles in 1 hr 13 mins, finished fresher than when he started.
So this week, it’s been all about Christmas on the blog. I’m even sitting here watching Jamie Oliver make a Christmas fondue while dressed as The Scarlet Pimpernel. I suspect I may start to get bored of Christmas soon – but not just yet.Monday, always a ‘happy’ day (never blue) bought an amusing letter from Santa’s top bitch.On Tuesday it was Christmas cards and the Christmas letter debate. It was a music master class on Wednesday with my top five Christmas number one’s and other random rubbish. Thursday saw me morph into film critic Claudia Winkleman – my first ever film review for web site ‘The Good Review’ was published. I chose to review the film 50/50, a powerful film that for me, is very close to home. The Christmas tree also went up on Thursday. I’ve stuck a Bishop on mine. What’s on yours? On Friday I went all Paul McCartney with ‘Money Can’t Buy You Love’, my top money saving tips for my weekly bridal blog on 'Brides Up North'. Any room at the inn? I also welcomed another weary traveler into our home on Friday (£30 per night), this time a student from Singapore on his way to Mecca – which for him was Old Trafford. “I’ve waited my whole life to see Manchester United” he told me. “Do you support them?” It was easier to say yes – he never noticed me crossing my fingers behind my back. He asked for recommendations for places to eat in town. “China Town’s very nice” I offered. “You’re joking – right” my guest from Singapore, who probably eats Chinese food every day, replied. I rounded off the week with my first Christmas party of the season at ‘Crazy Wendy’s. It was like the Pentagon on acid - an evening which requires you to consume your entire body weight in alcohol to fully appreciate the whole oriental Elvis experience. To top it all off – I’m being followed on Twitter by ‘The Wombles’. I think this might just be the high point of my life. I’m kicking myself for not booking them for the wedding!And so, to finish – it’s been another busy week here at ‘Wonderful Life Blog Central’. If anyone actually reads today's post, I could be on track for yet another record breaking week.Thank you, thank you, thank you!PS – don’t forget to ‘like’ My Wonderful Life on Facebook for regular updates.Click on the adverts at the bottom of each post – I get up to 80p per click, which keeps me in shoes.If you are buying from Amazon this Christmas, please consider clicking through from the Amazon widget’ in the side panel – I will receive a 5% referral fee at no cost to you. I’m trying to understand my audience – please do answer the on-line polls in the side panel.