We’ve been under the weather here so there has not been a lot of baking going on here.
I have noticed a lot of Halloween themed food around the blogosphere and although we don’t celebrate it in a big way in Australia, I’m feeling excited about it. Whether you take part in Halloween or not, these are great recipes for any time of the year.
Here are some of last week’s Halloweeny (I may have made that word up) recipes:
Squash Monsters ~ from www.jodiefitz.com
Some guidelines for this week’s Sunday Sweeties Link Party:
1. Share a recipe or two with us (recipe linkies are welcome).
2. Please follow us on Networked Blogs or one of our other social connections.
3. Add your link parties to our list here.
4. Please link back to us or grab our button (see code below linky).
5. Check out some of the great posts left by other wonderful bloggers and share some comment love with them.
Thank you
Roasted Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Soup ~ from www.chefnotincluded.com
Oreo Truffle Ghosts ~ from busymomshelper.net
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