Diaries Magazine
#SundayBest - Link Up Your Favourite Post Of The Week!
Posted on the 27 July 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairyThank you to everyone who joined in with the Sunday Best linky last week - I'm so pleased that you guys are supporting this new linky....of course the key to a successful linky is visiting as many other linked blogs as you can and leaving a little comment! If you do, please leave #SundayBest on the comment so that the blogger knows you found them here! :)
To join in with this linky, you just need to link up with what you feel was your best post from the last 7 days!
I will tweet a link to every post that links up at some point during the week, and myself or my co-host will comment on every one.
I will also choose two of my favorite posts each week to feature on next Sunday's post.
My Top Picks From Last Week's Link-Ups
This post from Mummy Constant is all about instilling the value of money into your toddler - a really thought provoking post, certainly gave me some ideas for how to do this with my child!
Kerry gives advice on how to encourage and entice children to eat meat & fish - some very useful tips for anybody struggling with this!
So now its your turn to link up this week!
There are very few rules, but here are the ones I have:
1) Please visit your hosts, and please try to visit and comment on as many other linked-up posts as you can (one is better than none!), and please leave #SundayBest on your comment so the blogger knows that's how you found their post!
2) You can link up any post that you wish, but the URL must lead to a post and NOT to your blog home page.
3) Please add the Sunday Best button on your blog homepage or your blog post - the more the linky is shared, the more people link up and the more we can all interact!
<a href="http://www.sparklesandstretchmarks.com"><img src="http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/280x200q90/829/foi6.jpg"></a>
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