Sunshine Helps You Shine

Posted on the 07 November 2012 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Sunshine Blogger Award

Today I got a lovely surprise; Mel of Latte Mum gave me the Sunshine Blogger Award. What is the Sunshine Blogger Award? Well, it is awarded to “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others on the blogosphere.”

My blog Mummy to Twins was a way of doing something for me, documenting the adventures of the family and of course connecting with other mothers and likeminded people. It has been an interesting and fun journey, and as a producer of websites in the corporate landscape I feel it is good to be managing my own site.

The rules of accepting this award are:  List 10 things about you, Link back to the blog that nominated you, nominate 10 other bloggers, let the bloggers know about the award, make sure to add the award logo in the blog post and link their blogs in this blog post.

Ten things about me:

  1. I am originally from Queensland, Hervey Bay to be exact. I miss warm days, the beach and the lazy times that climate allows. Living in Katoomba is cold and the weather is very unpredictable and I long for summer. One day I hope to have a holiday place up there that I can just go and enjoy. I also want to take the girls to show them where I grew up.
  2. Soon to have a Masters in Project Management from Sydney University. Just have to pass an exam and do one last subject. Crossing fingers and toes all goes well.
  3. Daydream about my future a lot. I will have a successful business/write a hugely successful book and be worth a fortune and so on. I day dream and have wonderful thoughts.
    I feel that you need to think positive and it will happen, like will attract like. Sometimes I am just having a wonderful fantasy but what is the harm.
  4. Always busy doing something – pet projects, sewing, blogging, study, creating something.
  5. I have identical twin girls who are four. My family is nearly all female.
  6. Love dark chocolate, 85% cocoa is the best; I like to have a couple of squares every now and then.
  7. Trying to lose weight before May 2013. I have a deadline and yes I aim to lose as much as possible. Hard with the chocolate love but have not been having much at all lately.
  8. Hanging for our new house to be planned and built. We need the space. Living in a small cottage is not good with kids and adults and all the stuff that goes with it. Cannot wait.
  9. Keen to get stuck into my idea for a home based business – it involves sewing so we will see how I do. I am hoping to have more time once university is finished.
  10. Enjoy being at home with the girls and see them develop and grow. Although it does have its moments, it is a joy to watch them learn and become the person they are destined to be.

Special concerns: As Latte Mum said she has a fear of dolphins I don’t share this fear but I do think when you spray a spider to die and get out of the bathroom, that they might pounce on you to show their annoyance at what you have done. I have to get out of there quick smart just in case they decide to get their own back. You never know! J

As Mel from Latte Mum awarded me this great honor of the Sunshine Blogger Award, I would like to do the same for the bloggers below that I have been reading, following and have inspired me also, thanks for all your wonderful work:

  1. Fat Mum Slim – Creative, Photo a Day and great insight
  2. Retro Mummy – Cooking, sewing, knitting and inspiration
  3. Mess for Less – Activities and projects for kids, Wonderful information and here from Vicky.
  4. Creative with kids – Positive activities that allow you to connect with your child and be the parent you want to be
  5. Mommy Adventures – Great humor in Sheri’s posts and a delight to read
  6. A Free Spirit Life – Creative, Inspiration, and shows and helps you give thanks
  7. Muddled Up Mumma – Observations on being a mom and still figuring out life (I so understand this)
  8. WoogsWorld – Day to day musings but told in a way that makes you laugh and think, yes that has happened to me.
  9. My Home Truths – No craft or cooking on this blog, just the truth.
  10. 20 Minute Mom – Great advice and Inspiration on cleaning, organising and more

Thank you Mel from Latte Mum for such public recognition of my blog and ideas, I am tickled pink at being chosen. So ladies that I have listed, please feel free to check out all other blogs listed and to return the favour.

Enjoy the sunshine

