SUPER Sharing Sundays: Best 8 Links of the Week!

Posted on the 26 February 2012 by Shawndrarussell

Photo courtesy of Surachai

Brazen Careerist always has killer advice, like this: Why Praising Others Will Help You Reach Your Own Potential
Mashable, with their finger on the pulse of Pintrest (which is my next Everest to tackle after this week actually starting and using Google+ and Goodreads).
We like to think that our magnificent books would be liked by anyone, but who is your audience REALLY? Janalyn Voigt discusses potential readers on Wordserve Water Cooler.
I LOVE analyzing opening scenes of movies (and books, and tv shows, and...). I also think of my chapters as being scenes when I outline. How would YOUR first chapter work as an opening movie scene? Read more on Go Into the Story by Scott Myers.
Ann Patchett was inspiring and awesome on Stephen Colbert this week. Check out Patchett's indie bookstore, Parnassus, and support those in your own city!
Have to give a shout-out to the new Johnny Cash project honoring this soulful poet's would-be 80th birthday.
Yay Savannah! Getting some Bizarre Food love on March 12.
And if you didn't catch my Wednesday post, check out the link and attend an event near you to celebrate Leap Year AND take your own "life leap!" If you are in Savannah, we are meeting at Isaac's on Drayton at 6pm. See you there!