Who would you add to this list of 50 Greatest Unforgettable Female Protagonists by Accredited Online Colleges blog.
Blunt, creative insight from the fabulous Kristen Lamb: Bracing for Impact--The Future of Big Publishing in the New Paradigm.
John Abramowitz gives some marketing advice to authors on Ashley Barron's blog.
More blog tour advice from Karen Cioffi on The Working Writer's Club blog.
Jump on Barry Crowther's "How to Promote Online" series, with this link to the first post.
Colleen Leahey reports for CNN what will help "fix" young America. I 100% agree that entrepreneurship should be considered as a legitimate, first career path instead of something people just dream about.
Torre DeRoche aka The Fearful Adventurer shares one man's career dilemma, but it's a common fear: is it too late to follow your dreams?
Bonnie Caton's post is about How to Sell Your Hobbies for Profit but encourages everyone to think outside the box about how to become a successful entrepreneur.