SUPER Sharing Sundays: Best Links of the Week

Posted on the 27 November 2011 by Shawndrarussell
10 Unexpected Costs of Owning Things: I love this post partially because my husband and I did the same thing this summer.
Fempire Fandom: Jeanne Bowerman, CS Expo finalist, @scriptmag columnist, screenwriter, #scriptchat co-founder, and all -around Twitter guru has a new column  
The Onion's Baratunde Thurston is hilarious and poignant and helps tear down boundaries that society sets up.
The Effortless Life: A Manual for Contentment, Mindfulness, & Flow by Zenhabits. We tend to make our lives MORE complicated instead of figuring out how to make them LESS complicated.
I have to give a shout-out to one of my places on the planet: Savannah gets love from Conde Nast.