Nintendo has confirmed that playing Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS will gain you trophies for your efforts. What’s more, depending on what console you play on you’ll unlock different trophies.
“There will be trophies in the 3DS and Wii U games,” said Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of Super Smash Bros. “Each version will boast different types and models. The 3DS trophies will be mainly from handhelds and the Wii U version will feature trophies from the home-console games.”
The first revealed trophy is from the 3DS version of the game, is of Saria from Ocarina of Time. Who know what other characters will be made into trophies, but we can’t wait to find out. Of course, if you want to collect the whole set, you’ll need to play the game on both 3DS and Wii U.
The Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS release date is 2014.