Supernatural Saturday Night 5

Posted on the 13 June 2016 by Laurken @stoicjello

Really?      Five shows in the can?

Time flies when you’re wearing headphones.

The first incarnation of SupNatSat was ten years ago and back then,   it was a very unstructured  circus.    And it was fun; fun like your very first slumber party, you know?    But that was then, this is now.    The show has grown up and matured.     Humor will always be a factor, but we need some insight and awareness in addition to hearing about scary ghost stories and close encounters of numerous kinds.

This go round, I want to get to the heart and soul of life, which includes death.     I want to interview an Egyptologist who can explain why this culture was so captivated by death and the underworld.     Don’t feel left out Ancient Greece, we’ll get to you, too.      Both cultures believed in ghosts and oracles and libations that would bring about specters and prophecy faster.  Basically, everyday was Supernatural Saturday Night back then.      So yeah, we’ll hit on the spiritual side of anthropology and history.

I also want to delve into the psychology of fear and why bouts with it are actually healthy for us.     And of course, we’ll  interview serial UFO abductees, BIgfoot hunters, psychics of all kinds, Voodoo practitioners and ghost whisperers and even get into a little demonology..

For example,  Hassidic mysticism.     Hassidm is a very spiritual form of Judaism.    Ultra uber orthodox.   The men where hats or kippas,  long black coats, prayer shawls (you can see the fringe hanging out underneath )and payoz, which are long ringlet curls in front of their ears.   The mode dress resembles 18th century Polish aristocracy……but don’t quote me.

The woman cover their heads or wear wigs out in public.     Only their husbands can see their real hair.      A woman’s locks are a part of ultimate intimacy between a Hassidic couple.

Perhaps all Jews know sonething about the religion’s mysticism, but not quite like the Hassidic Jew. And it goes beyond Kaballah and wearing red strings around your wrists. Hint:  man made men to do man’s bidding and old wooden wine boxes YOU DO NOT want in your home.

And that’s just the tip of the Eisenberg.

Alan Nadler is a Rabbi and a Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Jewish Studies Program at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey.    This Jewish mother’s dream son was educated at McGill University in Montreal and at Harvard.

This guy is no schlub.  Listen and you will be educated about a very old religion and it’s more spiritual, spooky side.

That’s our first guest.   The second hour is with Lewis Powell IV and he just so happens to be an authority on Southern ghosts.   There’s great beauty in the Southeastern United States but it covers an underlying ugliness.   Lots of torment, anguish, brutality and barbarism happened before, during and after the Civil War.    This conflict pitted family members against each other.   The Confederacy wanted states’ rights and all that that implied.    President Lincoln said no, the South wanted to secede and again, Lincoln said nu-uh.

So, the South rallied it’s army thinking  King Cotton and other other agricultural crops could sustain it, keep it afloat, not realizing that the Yankees were more industrialized.    They had factories for everything needed to properly outfit an army.

The price both sides paid was horrific and in some ways, the South still pays  for its centuries old ignorance.    Bloodshed +inhumanity =eternity in hell…OR a lighter sentence of being haunted para siempre.

Lewis will regale us with ghost tales from across Dixie, including the perplexing story of the Bell Witch.     Now, don’t you go a lookin’ her up, Lewis will tell us all about this fable that held early 19th century America firmly in its grip.

All you have to do is listen to Supernatural Saturday Night 8-10 pm (CST) on and     Download the app.

And on a closing note, I’d like to think I speak for everyone associated with our show,  please send healing thoughts to the city of Orlando.  The scars of senselessness seem to last longer than run of the mill spiritual wounds.    And I sincerely wish love could be the answer, but it’s just not that simple.     Tolerance is.

Tolerance is the global panacea.   Just good old live and let live.


He’s our first

want to learn more about Hassiduc Mysticism.