This season, our heroes head to the New World, and the American audience gets to see our nation at its start. What a wonderful moment to reflect on our country's beginnings.
It's a strong reminder of the ideals and principles the U.S. was founded on, some of the less admirable choices we made from the start, oh, and also that midterm elections are on Monday.
Yes, I went there. I know, it feels like a trap. I lured you in with the promise of your favorite Sassenach and Scotsman and now I'm going to guilt you into voting.
However, I think it's safe to say that the fictional albeit, but sort of based in history woman and man who fought hard for the independence of Scotland would be disappointed in you if you didn't show up at the polls on Tuesday.
A lot of people sacrificed a lot for your right to take an hour out of your day to check a few boxes. It'd be a shame to disappoint them, but no pressure...
So, if you won't do it for yourself, do it for Claire and Jamie... smile...