Surviving Childcare / Daycare...

Posted on the 03 September 2013 by Felicakes @felicakes

Most of you would know that I am a full time working mom.  I work 9 to 5, five days a week. This means that the Lil' Tiger goes to childcare full time.  She has been going to daycare since she was 6 months old and I am forever thankful for the care that she is getting at childcare.  

I have a few girlfriends who just had their baby and some who are returning back to work. When I speak to them, they ask how I do it  and not feel like a part of my heart is being ripped out and I tell them, I do because I have to  and I do it because I want to.  And after a while, both parents and child will get into that routine that it almost becomes monotonous.  Don't get me wrong though. I feel guilty for sending her full time to childcare especially on hard days where she cries and scream my name as I walk out the door, I feel my heart shatters into a million pieces.

I asked a few mothers that I know who sends their children to childcare for some tips on how to survive daycare days (well in my case, Mondays - Fridays) and here is 5 of the best ones:- 

  1. Wake up early and have breakfast together, that way, you get to spend maximum amount of time before dropping her off.  Talk about what you are going to do for the day or what you have planned for the day. Even if your child is at a younger age, say 12 months and below, do it because makes them feel included in your day.  

  2. If mornings are too hectic for you, especially when you have more than 1 child, or if you are not a morning person like me, then have family  time during dinner.  During this time, make sure you have the TV and all smart phones and mobile phones be kept away.  Talk about your day and what you have done.  I always ask the Lil' Tiger what she did for the day even when she was a little baby. 

  3. I usually spend 10-15 minutes with the Lil' Tiger in her room. I chat with her carers and ask them about her progress or what their activities are for the week. These carers are the ones who spends most times with your children so why not get to know them right? You need to feel comfortable with them and they need to be able to come to you with their concerns.  Sometimes, I will also sit with the LT on the table asking her to show me drawings that she did or photos of her on the notice board. There are days where she will ask me to sit with her on the table and ask me to do a picture puzzle with her and etc.  

  4. Pack your child's comfort toys in their bag (make sure you have a few similar toys or spares cause we all know what happens when one day it goes missing.) This works well with younger children. It makes them feel secure to have something from home that is only theirs and not have to share it with the other kids.  For older kids or if they do not allow comfort toys or a comforter,  just pack them in their bag regardless and tell them that if they are feeling a little homesick, to just peek in their bag. 

  5. I know of a mom who included a little picture books of everyone in their family (Mummy, daddy, siblings and dog) in her child's bag. That way, if the child is missing mommy or daddy and etc, he/she can just pull out the book and look at the pictures.

I think these five tips works with mummies as well, maybe not number 4 but you know what I mean.  My office desk is filled with photos and drawings from the Lil' Tiger that I rotate from time to time. It makes me feel a little less guilty and a whole lot better. 


{This is a sponsored post but opinions are my own}