Diaries Magazine

Surviving Summer School

Posted on the 08 December 2012 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog
Summer School

Me off to Summer School

Found out the other day that I recieved a credit for contracts which was my second last subject university. I am thilled as was so unsure about the exam, finishing early does not fill you sometimes with hope. So that is done, now doing summer school and filling my head again with leadership theory and finding ways to fill gaps within project management with selected theory. Yes it does sound rather boring!

It is interesting when you deal with case studies/real examples to understand how theories are used, but 9 times out of 10 it is boring information in books or on the computer screen. I am now doing my last subject at university and very excited about it. As you can imagine with summer school it is condensed into a couple of weeks rather than months so there is a lot to do.

I am hoping that with the time constraints, kids, house, Christmas pressie shopping, and all other things that I get it all done. Plus the fact that we are going away to visit the in laws starting on boxing day so I want to have most of it done by then. I know a big ask, but if I power through it you never know.

Have you done a subject in summer or winter school and thought how in the hell are you going to manage it? Did you survive? Send in your stories.

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