Sleek Blush By 3 Sugar: This blush palette screams A-U-T-U-M-N!! All the three shades are perfect for this season and I tend to wear Demerara quite often. I also love wearing Demerara and layering Muscavado for a festive occasion (one of my go-to looks for Navrathri) or layering Turbinado over Demerara for a day look. You can read the review of the trio here.

Kryolan Blusher in Lake: One of my favorite blushers and my first blusher from Kryolan. It is a pinkish mauve shade which is not subtle in anyway and almost leans towards a purple. You can read the full review here.

MAC Powder Blush in Magenta (LE): A bold, bright and vibrant magenta with a stron red undertone to it. One of my favorite blushers and one of the best colors from MAC I would say. You can read the full review here.

Inglot Blush Refill 30: This blush is a really dark, deep burnt peach color with a slight red undertone. It looks slightly coral when blended on the cheeks. An absolute winner in terms of quality, this one good if you want to start experimenting with blushers which have a red undertone.

MAC Hidden Treasure (LE): Again, I've been wearing this one quite often and when blended properly this looks gorgeous on the cheeks! The color is a burnt brick red color with silver shimmer.

picture taken under natural lighting
picture taken under yellow lighting
So those are my favorite blushers (as on 15th October 2013!! :D :D ). Do let me know your top 5 favorite blushers in the comments section below.