If you know someone that is expecting a baby then they might be worried about not having everything they need for when the baby arrives. It can be stressful being pregnant without baby brain hounding your abilities to remember everything. There are lists available online that give you a general idea about what is needed when you have a baby.
It may be a nice idea to throw a baby shower for the mum-to-be. This is not only a great time for friends and family to get together but also a good time for those people to give the mum-to-be some well-deserved gifts for both her and the baby.
Take a look below for some gift ideas that would be well received.

Nappy Cake
Now let's not get excited because we have seen the word cake. Unfortunately, this is not the type of cake that you want to eat. A nappy cake is a stack of nappies and clothes for the baby all bundled together in the shape of a cake. These are such a sweet gift to give a mum-to-be and can come in many different sizes. It is a great idea to get a couple of different sizes as you never know what size the baby will be and they can either fit it straight away or grow into it.
Baby Swing
This may be something that you will have to see about already being purchased. If the mom to be is organized then this is something that could already be sitting in the nursery waiting to be used. However, if not then this is something that could really be a lifesaver in the early days. A lot of babies like to be held and rocked a lot of the time. A swing can do this for the mom so she gets somewhat of a break during the day. It is important to not let the baby sleep in the swing, of course, they can take naps but they mustn’t sleep for long periods in it.
You can get a lot of varieties and in many different colours. Some rock back and forth while others just vibrate. They can be plugged into the mains or take batteries. If you opt for one with batteries it may be a nice idea to supply the first lot of batteries as well.
Chocolate Bouquet
Something for the mum-to-be as everyone always thinks of the baby. Having a baby can be hard work so a little treat for the mum, once it is all over, could be a chocolate or sweet bouquet. This is exactly what it suggests, rather than a bunch of flowers these are her favorite choccies or sweets all in a bundle. You can also get sweet hampers. Let’s face it the sugar will be well-received when she is running on empty in the beginning. Make sure to check regarding any allergies she has, you don’t want to include anything she won’t be able to eat.
Gift Vouchers
Finally, here is another one for the mum-to-be. A gift voucher so she can treat herself after the birth. You might be tempted to buy her clothes but this can be a bit hit and miss due to sizing and baby bumps getting in the way. A lovely idea is to allow her to buy her own item once the baby is born and she is feeling up to it. There are lots of retailers to choose from, you can opt for a high street chain or an online shop. She will be very grateful that you thought of her.